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Abdulmajid, S A D (1967) Resource forecasting models for private housing projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Adams, C D (1995) Procurement of microtunnelling projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

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Inyang, E D (1983) Some aspects of risk analysis for decision making in engineering projects management, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).

Luo, J (1998) The transitional construction industry and sino-foreign construction joint ventures in the p.R. Of China, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).

Luo, J and Gale, A (1998) The transitional construction industry and sino-foreign construction joint ventures in the p. R. Of China, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

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Mohamed Sultan, A A B (2019) Decision tools for recycling with a focus on fibre reinforced composites, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

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Nosair, I A R (1987) The relevance of computerised modelling techniques to construction management problems and training in Egypt, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).

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Peacock, W S (1990) Site investigation procedures and risk analysis, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Samo, S R (1999) Energy conservation in UK housing and the effect of building regulations, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester (United Kingdom).

  • Type: Thesis
  • Keywords: energy conservation; energy consumption; cooling; dwellings; conservation; estimating; Pakistan; UK; energy efficiency; simulation; building regulation; regulation
  • URL: https://www.proquest.com/docview/301512902
  • Abstract:
    This research work aims to analyse the various energy efficiency measures in UK dwellings and the effect of the building thermal regulations on national energy consumption and related carbon dioxide emission.The history of UK thermal building regulations is reviewed and U-values of construction elements decreased by each successive revision, from 1965 to 1995, are discussed.In this study an energy estimating method - the degree-days- which have been used in the UK since more than fifty years, is used to calculate the heating and cooling degree days of Pakistan by using the computer software. The uses and method to calculate the Degree-Days, which may be first known attempt for this country, is also described.In this thesis the effect of various factors, such as overall and individually decreased U- values of the building fabric, glazing area, heating and controls systems, ventilation rates and geographical locations, on the SAP energy rating of the standard UK dwellings is analysed by using the Elmhurst SAP software and results are summarised.The heat loss from dwellings is calculated by using the method mentioned in the BRE digest 190, which is established method for determining the seasonal heat loss from dwellings. Different types of UK standard dwellings - detached, semi-detached, flat, bungalow, post-1919 terrace and pre-1919 terrace - have been considered to analyse the energy consumption and related carbon dioxide emissions in existing dwelling stock The trend of energy consumption of the dwellings, satisfying different building regulations is analysed by using the housing model, “Heating Energy Consumption Analyser (HECA)”, produced in this study.The old dwellings (pre-1965) in the UK are largest in number (66%) and responsible for 73% of total domestic energy consumption and same percentage of carbon dioxide emissions. Since the largest portion of the dwellings is comprised of old dwellings, therefore the potential for energy conservation measures is investigated in these old dwellings.The effect on energy consumption of changing U-values of each of the elements separately of the pre-1965 dwellings to satisfy the Building Regulations 1995 is also analysed.The effect of various energy efficiency measures, such as, individually and overall decreased thermal insulation of different construction elements (roof, floor, walls and Windows) by decreasing U-values by between 20 and 80%, decreasing window area, on national energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, is also analysed and results are discussed.Three different scenarios are each examined to assess the possible contribution of the domestic sector to achieving the UK government’s target of reducing carbon dtox.de emissions to 20% below the 1990 level.The results of dynamic simulation computer program, HTB2, which is designed for simulating the thermal performance of energy efficient occupied buildings, are also discussed in this thesis.Finally conclusions are made from the results of various energy efficiency measures and different scenarios, and recommendations are for the selection of a suitable measure to reduce the national energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.

Sansone, R (2020) Latent matters: Megaprojects and political imaginaries in post-revolution Tunis, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Shakeri, E (2002) An investigation of privately promoted infrastructure (ppi) strategy in developing countries: Public-private partnership (ppp) approach, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Sigonda, G G G (2000) The impact of infrastructural projects on the environment in Tanzania: The case of mindu dam, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Suraji, A (2001) Development and validation of a theory of construction accident causation, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Tipple, C (1993) An analysis of the development of the construction industry since the 18th century, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Wearne, S H (1969) Organization of large engineering design departments, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.

Yeo, K T (1982) A systems approach to cost management of large scale offshore oil projects, Unpublished PhD Thesis, , The University of Manchester.