The ARCOM Constitution
Background: The name shall be "Association of Researchers in Construction Management", also known as "ARCOM". This constitution was revised during the AGM in September 2017. Changes to this constitution can be made with the consent of more than two-thirds of the members present at a general meeting.
Aims: ARCOM is a voluntary, non-profit making body of people who study and research into the management of construction in all of its aspects. The aims are, among other things:
- to promote education, dissemination and research connected with management in construction by any means available;
- to encourage excellence in the research of ARCOM members;
- to hold conferences, workshops and seminars for members; encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences through a newsletter; provide a forum for debate about all matters concerned with management in construction.
- ARCOM has no intention of being or becoming a Trade Union.
Use of income: Income shall only be used for the furtherance of the aims. Money will not be paid by way of a bonus or profit to the members, provided that this shall not prevent reasonable reimbursement of expenditure validly incurred in the pursuit of ARCOM's objectives or in the administration of ARCOM and provided also that this does not preclude payment of reasonable interest on money borrowed by ARCOM. No member of ARCOM, whether elected to a committee or not, shall be entitled to any kind of honorarium. Only actual out of pocket expenses can be reimbursed. The treasurer has the right not to reimburse expenditure which was not previously approved.
Dissolution: ARCOM can be dissolved if a resolution to that effect is passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose, provided that the EGM also resolves to appoint a qualified accountant to act as a liquidator. Any assets remaining after the discharge of all liabilities and debts shall be transferred to some other institution(s), preferably, but not necessarily, having similar objectives to ARCOM's.
Membership: Membership is open to anyone engaged or interested in research associated with management in construction. The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership when, in their opinion, there is good reason. An annual membership fee will be charged and the amount of this fee will be decided each year at an annual general meeting (AGM). It is payable by 1st May following the AGM. Every paid-up member shall be entitled to one vote in decisions at general meetings and through postal ballots, except in decisions regarding election of committee members where votes will be taken online at least a week before the AGM.
Committee: ARCOM business will be dealt with by the committee. The committee shall consist of the executive officers (i.e. chair, vice-chair, immediate past chair, treasurer, secretary, membership secretary, publications officer, and workshops convenor) and up to thirteen other members. All committee members will endeavour to co-operate and to assist other committee members in their duties. The main responsibilities of the committee members, on behalf of ARCOM, include the following:
- The chair shall safeguard the interests of ARCOM; offer guidance and leadership to the committee and membership of ARCOM; help to organize conferences and meetings; assist in preparing proceedings for publication where relevant.
- The chair, upon ceasing to be the chair, becomes the immediate past chair and remains a committee member for one year with the purpose of advising the new chair and the committee and ensuring continuity.
- The vice-chair will be the chair-elect and will assist the chair wherever possible.
- The secretary shall organize administrative meetings of the committee, general meetings of the membership, keep the minutes of such meetings and deal with the day to day correspondence of ARCOM.
- The treasurer shall keep accurate accounts of all financial transactions of ARCOM, ensure the safe-keeping of ARCOM's assets, administer ARCOM's bank account and report to general meetings on the financial state of ARCOM. This report should include an income and expenditure account and a balance sheet, both of which should be independently examined by a qualified accountant.
- The membership secretary, in conjunction with the treasurer, shall maintain an accurate list of members, administer applications for membership and remove lapsed members from the record.
- The publications officer will produce a newsletter from time to time and seek opportunities to publicize ARCOM and its activities.
- The workshops convenor will facilitate the organisation of ARCOM workshops.
- The ordinary members will attend general meetings, attend administrative meetings and generally co-operate with and assist the committee in all aspects of its work.
Elections: Each of the committee positions is elected annually by the members at the AGM. The committee should be drawn from as broad a range of interests as is feasible. To this end, ordinarily, no more than one person should be drawn from any single academic, commercial or research organization. Each candidate for the committee must be proposed and seconded by ARCOM members on the basis of their personal knowledge of the candidate and the candidate must have signified a willingness to serve if elected. Executive officers are normally exempted from the general vote for a term of office. A single term of office is ordinarily two years. Where there are thirteen candidates put forward for the remaining positions on the committee, then the candidates will be deemed to be elected unopposed provided that the members are given an opportunity to object at a general meeting. Where there are more than thirteen candidates put forward for the remaining positions on the committee, then the candidates will be put to the general vote by the membership through online ballots organised at least a week prior to the AGM. Should there be a tied vote between candidates obtaining the lowest number of votes through the online ballot, the incumbent committee will elect remaining candidate(s) in a second vote. The committee may co-opt members of ARCOM to the committee whenever they consider necessary, provided that such members are willing to serve.
General meetings: General meetings are those meetings concerned with the policy and general administration of ARCOM. Annual general meetings (AGM) will normally be held annually at a time and place to be chosen by the committee. Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) may be called either by the committee, the secretary with the written support of any two committee members, or any member with the written support of twelve other members. In the latter case, such an application must be made to the secretary, in writing, with a reasoned statement as to why an EGM is required. A quorum at any general meeting shall be fifteen members. If a meeting is inquorate it shall be adjourned to a time and place chosen by the committee. Such a subsequent meeting will be deemed to be quorate regardless of how many members attend. The secretary shall give 28 days clear notice of all general meetings and such notice shall include venue, time and agenda.