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Dale, A, Gonzales, C and Himangshu, P (2003) Financing of private infrastructure investments in the emerging markets of southeast Asia. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 8(02), 61–78.
Fasakin, J O and Ogunsemi, D R (2003) Modelling the selling prices of residential buildings in Nigeria. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 8(02), 111–4.
Kishk, M, Al-Hajj, A, Pollock, R and Aouad, G F (2003) Effective feedback of whole-life data to the design process. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 8(02), 89–98.
Kitschker, A D and Swaffield, L M (2003) Examination of relationships between Egan's key drivers of change and mechanical and electrical contractors' profits. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 8(02), 99–110.
Lowe, D (2003) The development of early stage design cost estimating expertise: effective feedback and systematic reflection for quantity surveyors. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 8(02), 79–88.