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Harkin, F and Gunning, J G (1999) Evaluating quality in construction. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 4(03), 65–80.

Hui, E C M (1999) Hong Kong's public housing policy: a new perspective on government intervention and rationale. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 4(03), 5–28.

Jagboro, G O and Alli, O R (1999) A study of the monetary value of extension of time in building project. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 4(03), 39–46.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: building projects; contract provisions; contractual claims; extension of time; monetary value
  • ISBN/ISSN: 1366-4387
  • URL: Unavailable online
  • Abstract:

    Contractual claims associated with building projects essentially are fluctuations, variations and contract period elongation. While fluctuation and variations claims are quantified in monetary values, disputes do arise in the computation of the monetary value of extension of time. This dichotomy is predicated on the perception of extension of time by consultants as time adjustment compensation and,- contractors as time adjustment and monetary loss compensations. The posit of this paper was that the monetary value of contractual claims (CCMV), does correlate with the approved extension of contract period (TET) in the form of a regression equation such that: CCMVi = aa0 + aai TETi + µi; i = 1, 2 ... n. Cost data were obtained for sixty projects including residential, and low rise office buildings. The coefficient of determination for the casual relationship was computed as R12 = -0.0070; (F--5% = 0.59). This finding has empirically established conclusively that the monetary value of extension of time is highly insignificant and reinforced the compensation approach in the resolution of disputes emanating from extension of time.

Nicholas, J, Holt, G D and Harris, P T (1999) Materials suppliers: the builders' banker?. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 4(03), 29–38.

Soh, C C and Ong, S E (1999) Motivation and risk perception in foreign and domestic real estate investments. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 4(03), 47–64.