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Arantes, A and Ferreira, L M D (2020) Underlying causes and mitigation measures of delays in construction projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 165–81.
El-Rasas, T and Marzouk, M (2020) Fuzzy model for assessing delays in Egyptian residential projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 225–46.
Giti, D M, K'Akumu, O A and Ondieki, E O (2020) Enhanced role of private sector through public private partnerships in low income urban housing in Kenya. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 293–312.
Jolly Cyril, E and Singla, H K (2020) Comparative analysis of profitability of real estate, industrial construction and infrastructure firms: evidence from India. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 273–91.
McCord, M (2020) An exploratory investigation into the relationship between energy performance certificates and sales price: a polytomous universal model approach. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 247–71.
Sa'eed, A, Gambo, N, Inuwa, I I and Musonda, I (2020) Effects of financial management practices on technical performance of building contractors in northeast Nigeria. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 201–23.
Zhang, Z, Koh, Z Y and Ling, F (2020) Benchmarking contractors’ financial performance: case study of Singapore. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 183–99.