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Ehrlich, M, Woodward, D and Tiong, R (2012) A state-of-practice survey on managing FX exposure in project companies, construction companies and SMEs. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 17(01), 29-48.
Enshassi, A, Arain, F and Tayeh, B (2012) Major causes of problems between contractors and subcontractors in the Gaza Strip. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 17(01), 92-112.
Hampton, G, Baldwin, A N and Holt, G (2012) Project delays and cost: stakeholder perceptions of traditional v. PPP procurement. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 17(01), 73-91.
Henjewele, C, Sun, M and Fewings, P (2012) Analysis of factors affecting value for money in UK PFI projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 17(01), 9-28.
McCord, M, Davis, P T, Haran, M, McGreal, S and McIlhatton, D (2012) Spatial variation as a determinant of house price: Incorporating a geographically weighted regression approach within the Belfast housing market. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 17(01), 49-72.