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Enshassi, A, Aziz, A R A and Karriri, A a E (2008) Investigating the overhead costs in construction projects in Palestine. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 13(01), 35–47.
Hui, E C M and Ng, I M H (2008) A risk-based option pricing strategy for property valuation: an empirical study in Hong Kong. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 13(01), 48–59.
Odeyinka, H A, Lowe, J and Kaka, A (2008) An evaluation of risk factors impacting construction cash flow forecast. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 13(01), 5–17.
Olatunji, O A (2008) A comparative analysis of tender sums and final costs of public construction and supply projects in Nigeria. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 13(01), 60–79.
Voelker, C, Permana, A, Sachs, T and Tiong, R (2008) Political risk perception in Indonesian power projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 13(01), 18–34.