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Bastos, M F, Ribeiro, F L and Teixeira, J C (2005) Estimating of capital cost of underground car parking projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 10(02), 125–32.
Enshassi, A, Mohamed, S and Madi, I (2005) Factors affecting accuracy of cost estimation of building contracts in the Gaza Strip. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 10(02), 115–24.
Greenwood, D, Hogg, K and Kan, S (2005) Subcontractors' liability for project delays. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 10(02), 107–14.
Gruneberg, S and Hughes, W (2005) UK construction orders and output: A comparison of government and commercially available data 1995-2001. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 10(02), 83–94.
Wamuziri, S C and Clearie, A G F (2005) Economic feasibility of the proposed Second Forth Road Bridge using public private partnership procurement. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 10(02), 95–106.