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Arif, M, Egbu, C, Haleem, A, Kulonda, D and Khalfan, M (2009) State of green construction in India: drivers and challenges. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 7(02), 223–34.
Edwards, D J and Holt, G D (2009) Construction plant and equipment management research: thematic review. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 7(02), 186–206.
Ibrahim, Y M, Ibrahim, A M and Kabir, B (2009) Geographic diversification, performance, and the risk profile of UK construction firms. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 7(02), 171–85.
Oduori, M and Mbuya, T (2009) Wire rope selection for manual winch application. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 7(02), 207–22.
Vinodh, S, Sundararaj, G, Devadasan, S R, Kuttalingam, D, Jayaprakasam, J and Rajanayagam, D (2009) Agility through the interfacing of CAD and CAM. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 7(02), 143–70.
Wong, F K W, Chan, A P C, Yam, M C H, Wong, E Y S, Tse, K T C, Yip, K K C and Cheung, E (2009) Findings from a research study of construction safety in Hong Kong: Accidents related to fall of person from height. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 7(02), 130–42.