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Addy, M N, Akunyumu, S and Simons, B (2019) Key risk factors affecting renewable energy independent power producer (IPP) set-up projects in developing countries. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1340–55.

Aghimien, D O, Aigbavboa, C O and Thwala, W D (2019) Microscoping the challenges of sustainable construction in developing countries. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1110–28.

Asa, E, Anna, A S and Baffoe-Twum, E (2019) An investigation of mechanical behavior of concrete containing crushed waste glass. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1285–303.

Bendak, S and Alhammadi, A A (2019) A multi-criteria decision-making approach to minimising fire risk in detached house designs. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1146–60.

Bhaurkar, V P and Thakur, A G (2019) Investigation of crack in beams using anti-resonance technique and FEA approach. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1266–84.

Entner, D, Prante, T, Vosgien, T, Zăvoianu, A, Saminger-Platz, S, Schwarz, M and Fink, K (2019) Potential identification and industrial evaluation of an integrated design automation workflow. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1085–109.

Katoch, V and Mohan, S (2019) Design and fabrication of a safety frame for workers carrying out head lifting at construction sites. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1250–65.

Matarneh, S, Danso-Amoako, M, Al-Bizri, S, Gaterell, M and Matarneh, R (2019) BIM-based facilities information: streamlining the information exchange process. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1304–22.

Oke, A E, Ogunsemi, D R and Adeyelu, M (2019) Quadrant and gap analysis of required and exhibited quantity surveyors’ competencies. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1161–73.

Othman, A A E and Hafez, M G (2019) A framework integrating corporate social responsibility for marketing architectural design firms in developing countries. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1174–91.

Owusu-Manu, D, Edwards, D J, Mohammed, A, Thwala, W D and Birch, T (2019) Short run causal relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and infrastructure development. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1202–21.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: Ghana; Infrastructure; Foreign direct investment (FDI); Sub-Sahara Africa; Gross domestic product;
  • ISBN/ISSN: 1726-0531
  • URL: https://doi.org/10.1108/JEDT-04-2019-0100
  • Abstract:
    Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows for infrastructure development have grown in volume to become more widely dispersed among home (outward investor) and host (recipient) countries. This paper aims to explore the short-run causal relationship between FDI and infrastructure development in the developing country of Ghana. Design/methodology/approach A two-stage least squares estimation method was adopted where FDI was endogenized, and all variables were in constant prices. Stationarity tests were performed on the annualized log difference of variables using augmented Dickey–Fuller test (ADF). Findings Results reveal a positive and significant relationship between FDI and infrastructure but a negative and significant relationship between FDI and GDP and FDI and openness. GDP growth also has a long-run negative relationship with FDI inflows. Originality/value The paper’s contribution to knowledge is two-fold. First, it examines the short run effect of FDI upon the Ghanaian economy and how market shocks to FDI and infrastructure development can be ameliorated. Second, it illustrates that government policymakers should prioritize development that requires FDI and ensure that the local market is not excessively open to foreign exploitation. Future work is required to further investigate international capital flow and its impact upon other developing nations.

Rajabion, L, Sataei Mokhtari, A, Khordehbinan, M W, Zare, M and Hassani, A (2019) The role of knowledge sharing in supply chain success. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1222–49.

Srivastava, A, Srivastava, D K and Misra, A K (2019) Spatial variability modeling and reliability analysis of flexible pavement through mechanistic–empirical model. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1129–45.

Tengan, C, Aigbavboa, C O, Guribie, F and Annor-Asubonteng, J (2019) Analysis of the outcome features of effective monitoring and evaluation in construction project delivery. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1192–201.

Titirla, M and Aretoulis, G (2019) Neural network models for actual duration of Greek highway projects. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology , 17(06), 1323–39.