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Duksh, Y S, Kaushik, B K, Sarkar, S and Singh, R (2013) Analysis of propagation delay and power with variation in driver size and number of shells in multi walled carbon nanotube interconnects. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 11(01), 19-33.
Gudem, M, Steinert, M, Welo, T and Leifer, L (2013) Redefining customer value in lean product development design projects. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 11(01), 71-89.
Lindén, S and Josephson, P-E (2013) In-housing or out-sourcing on-site materials handling in housing?. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 11(01), 90-106.
Mamphweli, N S and Meyer, E L (2013) Performance monitoring system for a biomass gasifier. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 11(01), 7-18.
Muthukumaran, V, kumar, M S and Selladurai, V (2013) Improvement of surface properties of AISI 316L SS by oxygen and helium ion implantation. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 11(01), 34-43.
Naghipour, M, Gholampour, A A and Nematzadeh, M (2013) Analytical and experimental study on damping ratio of GRP-reinforced glulam beams. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 11(01), 44-58.
Suleiman, M Z, Talib, R and Ramli, M (2013) Durability and flexibility characteristics of latex modified ferrocement in structural development applications. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 11(01), 59-70.