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Akintoye, A, Beck, M, Hardcastle, C, Chinyio, E A and Asenova, D (2003) Outsourcing the Risk Analysis Function in 'Private Finance Initiative' Projects. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(01).
Hassan, T M and McCaffer, R (2003) Virtual Enterprises in Construction: ICT, Social and Legal Dimensions. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(01).
Langford, D, Martinez, V and Bititci, U (2003) Best value in construction: towards an interpretation of value from client and constructor perspectives. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(01).
Leung, M-y and Yu, R K T (2003) An Investigation of Conflict Resolution in the Construction Industry. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(01).
Thorpe, A, Dainty, A R J and Hatfield, H (2003) The realities of being preferred: specialist subcontractor perspectives on restricted tender list membership. Journal of Construction Procurement, 9(01), 47-55.