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Chang, Y H and Tang, B (2005) Trust, partnership and power in construction: theory and applications in Hong Kong. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02), 94-111.
Cheung, F Y K, Rowlinson, S, Jefferies, M and Lau, E (2005) Relationship contracting in Australia. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).
Kadefors, A (2005) Trust in construction: cognitive traps as obstacles to collaborative contracting strategies. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).
Morledge, R and Adnan, H (2005) The importance of trust to the success of joint venture projects. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).
Naismith, N, Price, A D F, Dainty, A R J, Bryman, A, Greasley, K and Soetanto, R (2005) Engendering trust in the construction supply chain. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).
Smyth, H J and Thompson, N J (2005) Developing conditions of trust within a framework of trust. Journal of Construction Procurement, 11(02).