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Boba, R and Santos, L R (2007) Single-family home construction site theft: a crime prevention case study. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 3(03), 217-36.
Clapp, D, Shuler, S, Nobe, M D, DeMiranda, M and Nobe, M E C (2007) Capital equipment acquisition in heavy construction. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 3(03), 159-78.
Harfield, T, Panko, M, Davies, K and Kenley, R (2007) Toward a learning-styles profile of construction students: results from New Zealand. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 3(03), 143-58.
Jiang, Y and Wu, H (2007) A method for highway agency to estimate highway construction durations and set contract times. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 3(03), 199-216.
Shuler, S and Nobe, M D (2007) Edge cracking in residential development hot mix asphalt pavements. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 3(03), 179-97.