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He, Q, Wu, Z, Li, S, Li, H and Wang, Y (2023) Two decades of the evolution of China’s green building policy: insights from text mining. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 158–78.
Hu, M (2023) An evaluation of the retrofit net zero building performances: life cycle energy, emissions and cost. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 179–91.
Lin, C, Chiang, W, Weng, Y and Wu, H (2023) Assessing the anthropogenic carbon emission of wooden construction: an LCA study. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 138–57.
New, K, Tyler, A, Friday, A, Hazas, M and Gormally, A (2023) Space temperature policy towards net-zero: recommendations from a systematic review of UK HEI heating policies. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 223–39.
Pelé-Peltier, A, Charef, R and Morel, J (2023) Factors affecting the use of earth material in mainstream construction: a critical review. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 119–37.
van der Bent, H S, van den Brom, P I, Visscher, H J, Meijer, A and Mouter, N (2023) The energy performance of dwellings with heat pumps of Dutch non-profit housing associations. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 192–202.
Van Hove, M Y C, Deurinck, M, Lameire, W, Laverge, J, Janssens, A and Delghust, M (2023) Large-scale statistical analysis and modelling of real and regulatory total energy use in existing single-family houses in Flanders. Building Research & Information, 51(02), 203–22.