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Agee, P, Gao, X, Paige, F, McCoy, A and Kleiner, B (2021) A human-centred approach to smart housing. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 84–99.
Erişen, S (2021) Incremental transformation of spatial intelligence from smart systems to sensorial infrastructures. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 113–26.
Fettermann, D C, Borriello, A, Pellegrini, A, Cavalcante, C G, Rose, J M and Burke, P F (2021) Getting smarter about household energy: the who and what of demand for smart meters. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 100–12.
Fu, Y and Zhu, J (2021) Trusted data infrastructure for smart cities: a blockchain perspective. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 21–37.
Ihm, S, Lee, H, Lee, E and Park, Y (2021) A policy knowledge- and reasoning-based method for data-analytic city policymaking. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 38–54.
Kang, L, Liu, S, Zhang, H and Gong, D (2021) Person anomaly detection-based videos surveillance system in urban integrated pipe gallery. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 55–68.
Lee, Y L and Lee, Y (2021) Developing an autonomous psychological behaviour of virtual user to atypical architectural geometry. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 69–83.
Nuhu, B K, Aliyu, I, Adegboye, M A, Ryu, J K, Olaniyi, O M and Lim, C G (2021) Distributed network-based structural health monitoring expert system. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 144–59.
V E, S, Shin, C and Cho, Y (2021) Efficient energy consumption prediction model for a data analytic-enabled industry building in a smart city. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 127–43.
Valks, B, Arkesteijn, M H, Koutamanis, A and den Heijer, A C (2021) Towards a smart campus: supporting campus decisions with Internet of Things applications. Building Research & Information, 49(01), 1–20.