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Cole, R J and Jose Valdebenito, M (2013) The importation of building environmental certification systems: international usages of BREEAM and LEED. Building Research & Information, 41(06), 662-76.
Coleman, M J, Irvine, K N, Lemon, M and Shao, L (2013) Promoting behaviour change through personalized energy feedback in offices. Building Research & Information, 41(06), 637-51.
Egbelakin, T, Wilkinson, S, Potangaroa, R and Ingham, J (2013) Improving regulatory frameworks for earthquake risk mitigation. Building Research & Information, 41(06), 677-89.
Foulds, C, Powell, J and Seyfang, G (2013) Investigating the performance of everyday domestic practices using building monitoring. Building Research & Information, 41(06), 622-36.
Giddings, B, Sharma, M, Jones, P and Jensen, P (2013) An evaluation tool for design quality: PFI sheltered housing. Building Research & Information, 41(06), 690-705.
Ludvig, K, Stenberg, A-C and Gluch, P (2013) The value of communicative skills for developing an energy strategy. Building Research & Information, 41(06), 611-21.
Ma, Q, Cheung, S O and Li, S (2023) Optimum risk/reward sharing framework to incentivize integrated project delivery adoption. Construction Management and Economics, 41(06), 519–35.
Michieka, N M, Razek, N H A and Gearhart, R S (2023) Modelling the impact of oil price changes and investment decisions on construction wages in the U.S.. Construction Management and Economics, 41(06), 500–18.
Nielsen, K J, Törner, M, Pousette, A and Grill, M (2023) National culture and occupational safety – a comparison of worker-level factors impacting safety for Danish and Swedish construction workers. Construction Management and Economics, 41(06), 445–56.
Pérez-Bella, J M, Domínguez-Hernández, J, Rodríguez-Soria, B, del Coz-Díaz, J J, Cano-Suñén, E and Navarro-Manso, A (2013) An extended method for comparing watertightness tests for facades. Building Research & Information, 41(06), 706-21.
Pitts, A and Liao, H (2013) An assessment technique for the evaluation and promotion of sustainable Olympic design and urban development. Building Research & Information, 41(06), 722-34.
Tezel, A and Koskela, L (2023) Off-site construction in highways projects: management, technical, and technology perspectives from the United Kingdom. Construction Management and Economics, 41(06), 475–99.
Tillson, A-A, Oreszczyn, T and Palmer, J (2013) Assessing impacts of summertime overheating: some adaptation strategies. Building Research & Information, 41(06), 652-61.
Vosman, L, Coenen, T B J, Volker, L and Visscher, K (2023) Collaboration and innovation beyond project boundaries: exploring the potential of an ecosystem perspective in the infrastructure sector. Construction Management and Economics, 41(06), 457–74.