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Assaf, S, Hassanain, M A and Abdallah, A (2018) Review and assessment of the causes of deficiencies in design documents for large construction projects. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(03), 300–17.
Atkinson, G (2008) Sustainability, the capital approach and the built environment. Building Research & Information, 36(03), 241–7.
Bowen, P, Govender, R, Edwards, P and Cattell, K (2018) Work-related contact, work-family conflict, psychological distress and sleep problems experienced by construction professionals: An integrated explanatory model. Construction Management and Economics, 36(03), 153-74.
Bröchner, J (2018) Construction economics and economics journals. Construction Management and Economics, 36(03), 175-80.
Cairns, G (2008) Advocating an ambivalent approach to theorizing the built environment. Building Research & Information, 36(03), 280–9.
Defoe, P S (2018) The consideration of trees in rights of light cases Part 2. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(03), 318–32.
Gerges, M, Penn, S, Moore, D, Boothman, C and Liyanage, C (2018) Multi-storey residential buildings and occupant’s behaviour during fire evacuation in the UK. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(03), 234–53.
Hillier, B (2008) Space and spatiality: what the built environment needs from social theory. Building Research & Information, 36(03), 216–30.
Moffatt, S and Kohler, N (2008) Conceptualizing the built environment as a social–ecological system. Building Research & Information, 36(03), 248–68.
Ofori-Boadu, A N, Abrokwah, R Y, Gbewonyo, S and Fini, E (2018) Effect of swine-waste bio-char on the water absorption characteristics of cement pastes. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(03), 283–99.
Rabeneck, A (2008) A sketch-plan for construction of built environment theory. Building Research & Information, 36(03), 269–79.
Sherratt, F (2018) Shaping the discourse of worker health in the UK construction industry. Construction Management and Economics, 36(03), 141-52.
Simpson, E, Bradley, D and O’Keeffe, J (2018) Failure is an option: an innovative engineering curriculum. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(03), 268–82.
Szentes, H (2018) Reinforcing cycles involving inter- and intraorganizational paradoxical tensions when managing large construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 36(03), 125-40.
Vischer, J C (2008) Towards a user-centred theory of the built environment. Building Research & Information, 36(03), 231–40.
Wang, W, Zhang, S and Pasquire, C (2018) Factors for the adoption of green building specifications in China. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(03), 254–67.