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Bai, L, Shi, H, Kang, S and Zhang, B (2023) Project portfolio risk analysis with the consideration of project interdependencies. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 647-70.

Bentivegna, V, Curwell, S, Deakin, M, Lombardi, P, Mitchell, G and Nijkamp, P (2002) A vision and methodology for integrated sustainable urban development: BEQUEST. Building Research & Information, 30(02), 83–94.

Cooper, I (2002) Transgressing discipline boundaries: is BEQUEST an example of 'the new production of knowledge'?. Building Research & Information, 30(02), 116–29.

Deakin, M, Huovila, P, Rao, S, Sunikka, M and Vreeker, R (2002) The assessment of sustainable urban development. Building Research & Information, 30(02), 95–108.

Dewlaney, K S and Hallowell, M (2012) Prevention through design and construction safety management strategies for high performance sustainable building construction. Construction Management and Economics, 30(02), 165-77.

El Hajj, C, Martínez Montes, G and Jawad, D (2023) Analysis of BIM functionalities diffusion in the construction industry: the case of the MENA region. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 415-35.

Hamilton, A, Mitchell, G and Yli-Karjanmaa, S (2002) The BEQUEST toolkit: a decision support system for urban sustainability. Building Research & Information, 30(02), 109–15.

Hui, E C-M, Lo, T K K, Chen, J and Wang, Z (2012) Housing and consumer markets in urban China. Construction Management and Economics, 30(02), 117-31.

Jiang, X, Sun, H, Lu, K, Lyu, S and Skitmore, M (2023) Using evolutionary game theory to study construction safety supervisory mechanism in China. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 514-37.

Jin, H, Liu, S, Li, J and Liu, C (2023) Determination of government guarantee and revenue cap in public–private partnership contracts. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 393-414.

Kohler, N (2002) The relevance of BEQUEST: an observer's perspective. Building Research & Information, 30(02), 130–8.

Li, H, Arditi, D and Wang, Z (2012) Transaction-related issues and construction project performance. Construction Management and Economics, 30(02), 151-64.

Li, H, Su, L, Zuo, J, An, X, Dong, G, Wang, L and Zhang, C (2023) The framework of data-driven and multi-criteria decision-making for detecting unbalanced bidding. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 598-622.

Liu, Y, Chang, R D, Zuo, J, Xiong, F and Dong, N (2023) What leads to the high capital cost of prefabricated construction in China: perspectives of stakeholders. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 805-32.

Macedo, B S and Ferreira, M L R (2023) Welder learning curves behaviour: “focus on welding productivity with the TIG process of marine platforms stainless steel pipes”. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 496-513.

Marandi Alamdari, A, Jabarzadeh, Y, Samson, D and Sanoubar, N (2023) Supply chain risk factors in green construction of residential mega projects – interactions and categorization. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 568-97.

Matto, M C (2023) Identifying the latent shortcomings of force account projects in Tanzania: the case of construction projects in the education sector. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 787-804.

Mohajeri, M, Ardeshir, A and Malekitabar, H (2023) Diagnostic intervention program based on construction workers' internal factors for persistent reduction of unsafe behavior. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 478-95.

Nguyen, H D, Do, Q N H and Macchion, L (2023) Influence of practitioners' characteristics on risk assessment in Green Building projects in emerging economies: a case of Vietnam. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 833-52.

Novieto, D T (2023) Safety climate and occupational safety behaviours: the mediating role of psychological ownership among construction professionals. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 853-68.

Pellegrino, R, Costantino, N, Pietroforte, R and Sancilio, S (2012) Construction of multi-storey concrete structures in Italy: patterns of productivity and learning curves. Construction Management and Economics, 30(02), 103-15.

Shoar, S, Yiu, T W, Payan, S and Parchamijalal, M (2023) Modeling cost overrun in building construction projects using the interpretive structural modeling approach: a developing country perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 365-92.

Sirimewan, D C, Samaraweera, A, Manjula, N H C, Rameezdeen, R, Rodrigo, M N N and Ekanayake, E M A C (2023) Strategies for sustainable irrigation system management: a socio-technical system approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 436-55.

Tijani, B, Jin, X and Osei-Kyei, R (2023) Theoretical model for mental health management of project management practitioners in architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) project organizations. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 914-43.

Tong, R, Wang, L, Cao, L, Zhang, B and Yang, X (2023) Psychosocial factors for safety performance of construction workers: taking stock and looking forward. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 944-62.

Vahabi, A, Nasirzadeh, F and Mills, A (2023) Assessing the impact of project brief clarity using project definition rating index tool and system dynamic. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 697-713.

Vigneshwar, R V K and Shanmugapriya, S (2023) Investigating the factors affecting construction site productivity – a case of India. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 963-85.

Wakchaure, S S and Jha, K N (2012) Determination of bridge health index using analytical hierarchy process. Construction Management and Economics, 30(02), 133-49.

Wang, C, Zou, F, Yap, J B H, Wood, L C, Li, H and Ding, L (2023) System dynamics tool for entropy-based risk control on sleeve grouting in prefabricated buildings. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 538-67.

Wang, D and Wang, Y (2023) The role of regulatory focus and team mindfulness in megaproject conflicts. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 714-33.

Wang, G, Locatelli, G, Zhang, H, Wan, J and Chen, Y (2023) Playing the cards right: exploring the way leadership influences organizational citizenship behavior for the environment in megaprojects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 623-46.

Xiao, H and Hao, S (2023) Public participation in infrastructure projects: an integrative review and prospects for the future research. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 456-77.

Xu, S, Zhang, M, Xia, B and Liu, J (2023) Exploring construction workers' attitudinal ambivalence: a system dynamics approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 671-96.

Yu, A T W, Mok, K S H and Wong, I (2023) Minimisation and management strategies for refurbishment and renovation waste in Hong Kong. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 869-88.

Yuan, M, Li, Z, Li, X, Luo, X, Yin, X and Cai, J (2023) Proposing a multifaceted model for adopting prefabricated construction technology in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(02), 755-86.