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Abdirad, H and Dossick, C S (2019) Restructuration of architectural practice in integrated project delivery (IPD): two case studies. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 26(01), 104–17.
Abdul-Rahman, H, Yahya, I A, Berawi, M A and Wah, L W (2008) Conceptual delay mitigation model using a project learning approach in practice. Construction Management and Economics, 26(01), 15–27.
Alavipour, S R and Arditi, D (2019) Maximizing expected contractor profit using an integrated model. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 26(01), 118–38.
Alves Tenório de Morais, G and Casado Lordsleem Júnior, A (2019) Building maintenance management activities in a public institution. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 26(01), 85–103.
Bangwal, D and Tiwari, P (2019) Environmental design and awareness impact on organization image. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 26(01), 29–45.
Cole, R J (1998) Emerging trends in building environmental assessment methods. Building Research & Information, 26(01), 3–16.
Curwell, S and Cooper, I (1998) The implication of urban sustainability. Building Research & Information, 26(01), 17–28.
Deb, A (1998) Sustainable cities in developing countries. Building Research & Information, 26(01), 29–38.
Dzeng, R-J and Wang, S-S (2008) An analysis of infrastructure development based on national competitiveness perspectives. Construction Management and Economics, 26(01), 47–61.
Green, S D, Larsen, G D and Kao, C-C (2008) Competitive strategy revisited: contested concepts and dynamic capabilities. Construction Management and Economics, 26(01), 63–78.
Guy, G B and Kibert, C J (1998) Developing indicators of sustainability: US experience. Building Research & Information, 26(01), 39–45.
Kunszt, G (1998) Sustainable development and the Hungarian construction industry. Building Research & Information, 26(01), 46–55.
Lai, L W C, Ng, F W N and Yung, P (2008) The Coase Theorem and a Coasian construction economics and management research agenda. Construction Management and Economics, 26(01), 29–46.
Li, X, Liu, Y, Wilkinson, S and Liu, T (2019) Driving forces influencing the uptake of sustainable housing in New Zealand. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 26(01), 46–65.
Mehmet, O and Yorucu, V (2008) Explosive construction in a micro-state: environmental limit and the Bon curve: evidence from North Cyprus. Construction Management and Economics, 26(01), 79–88.
Mujumdar, P and Maheswari, J U (2019) Alternate beeline diagramming method network analysis for interdependent design entities. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 26(01), 66–84.
Neves, J C and Bugalho, A (2008) Coordination and control in emerging international construction firms. Construction Management and Economics, 26(01), 3–13.
Ribas, D A and Cachim, P (2019) Economic sustainability of buildings. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 26(01), 2–28.
Salvatierra, J L, Gálvez, M &, Bastías, F, Castillo, T, Herrera, R F and Alarcón, L F (2019) Developing a benchmarking system for architecture design firms. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 26(01), 139–52.