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Abuimara, T, O’Brien, W, Gunay, B and Carrizo, J S (2019) Towards occupant-centric simulation-aided building design: a case study. Building Research & Information, 47(08), 866–82.
Bienvenido-Huertas, D, Rubio-Bellido, C, Sánchez-García, D and Moyano, J (2019) Internal surface condensation risk in façades of Spanish social dwellings. Building Research & Information, 47(08), 928–47.
Lawrence, R, Elsayed, M and Keime, C (2019) Evaluation of environmental design strategies for university buildings. Building Research & Information, 47(08), 883–900.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Post-occupancy evaluation (PoE); energy performance; thermal comfort; architectural design; university buildings; environmental strategy;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2019.1652551
- Abstract:
This paper examines the performance of environmental strategies in seven recently constructed or refurbished university buildings in the UK. These buildings contain a range of administrative spaces, classrooms, libraries and studios, reflecting their often complex, multi-use, heterogeneous nature. The key features of each environmental strategy are described (including passive, mixed-mode or active systems), in the context of the occupants and spaces they serve and the level of interaction that they afford. Energy performance and occupant thermal comfort (assessed by user surveys) are analysed and compared with studies of other non-domestic buildings, which have typically focused on more predictable single administrative uses (e.g. government offices), and unusually effective operation scenarios (e.g. continuous monitoring by expert building managers). The paper concludes by examining two of the case studies that reflect an increasingly common model of ‘flexible’ environmental design in more detail, identifying key features of the strategies for each building that have had a significant impact on their performance. The design assumptions leading to these features will be explored, and key lessons identified, contributing towards the development of a more robust evidential basis for choosing appropriate environmental strategies for university and other non-domestic buildings in the UK.
Wu, X, Tian, Z, Tian, C, Wang, Y and Li, J (2019) New design-day method for building cooling load calculation in China. Building Research & Information, 47(08), 901–11.
Yuan, Y, Zhou, X and Zhang, X (2019) Numerical and experimental study on the characteristics of radiant ceiling systems. Building Research & Information, 47(08), 912–27.