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Agyekum, K, Adinyira, E and Oppon, J A (2022) Factors limiting the adoption of hemp as an alternative sustainable material for green building delivery in Ghana. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(02), 202-18.

d'Amato, M and Kauko, T (2012) Sustainability and risk premium estimation in property valuation and assessment of worth. Building Research & Information, 40(02), 174-85.

Donn, M, Selkowitz, S and Bordass, B (2012) The building performance sketch. Building Research & Information, 40(02), 186-208.

Ekung, S, Odesola, I A and Adewuyi, T (2022) Green cost premium for attaining energy-efficiency rating in Nigeria's hot-humid residential buildings. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(02), 248-68.

Elasu, J, Kimuli, B R and Adaramola, M S (2022) Cooking fuel choices of households in urban areas in Uganda: a multinomial probit regression analysis. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(02), 283-98.

Frimpong, E and Twumasi, E (2022) Prediction of unregulated energy usage in office buildings. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(02), 269-82.

Jegede, O E and Taki, A (2022) Optimization of building envelopes using indigenous materials to achieve thermal comfort and affordable housing in Abuja, Nigeria. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(02), 219-47.

Kleindienst, S and Andersen, M (2012) Comprehensive annual daylight design through a goal-based approach. Building Research & Information, 40(02), 154-73.

Larsson, J, Eriksson, P E, Lingegård, S and Järvenpää, A (2022) Innovation outcomes and processes in infrastructure projects – a comparative study of Design-Build and Design-Build-Maintenance contracts. Construction Management and Economics, 40(02), 142–56.

Leiringer, R, Gottlieb, S C, Fang, Y and Mo, X (2022) In search of sustainable construction: the role of building environmental assessment methods as policies enforcing green building. Construction Management and Economics, 40(02), 104–22.

Opoku, R, Mensah, H and Ahadzie, D K (2022) Guest editorial: Global energy transformation for combating climate change in the built environment: challenges and opportunities in developing countries. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(02), 161-4.

Ouedraogo, A L S N, Messan, A, Yamegueu, D and Coulibaly, Y (2022) A model for thermal comfort assessment of naturally ventilated housing in the hot and dry tropical climate. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 40(02), 183-201.

Sage, D, Dainty, A and Brookes, N (2012) A 'Strategy-as-Practice' exploration of lean construction strategizing. Building Research & Information, 40(02), 221-30.

Sandberg, N H and Brattebø, H (2012) Analysis of energy and carbon flows in the future Norwegian dwelling stock. Building Research & Information, 40(02), 123-39.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: building sector; building stock; buildings; CO2 reduction; energy consumption; greenhouse gas emissions; material flow analysis; mitigation; Norway
  • ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
  • URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2012.655071
  • Abstract:
    A dynamic analysis of future energy and carbon flows (2000-2050) is performed on the aggregated residential building stock in Norway. The basis for the analysis is a dynamic material flow analysis of floor areas and the main building materials. By adding energy intensity assumptions for space heating, water heating, domestic electrical appliances and embodied energy in construction materials, the future corresponding delivered energy demand is calculated. This forms the basis for life cycle estimation of the future direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The predicted demand for delivered energy in 2025 will increase by 24% and 12.5% above those for 2000 and 2010, respectively, and then remain stable towards 2050. Energy savings per unit of floor area are counterbalanced by growth in the building stock. The very high influence of energy technology assumptions within the electricity generation market is demonstrated, along with the large differences between using attributional and consequential life cycle assessment principles in the calculation of future emissions. Future electricity demand met by marginal power generation technologies in the European market will yield substantially higher GHG emissions. The simulations demonstrate the policy, strategy, and practical challenges in achieving significant long-term energy and GHG emission reductions from the residential building stock in a country with a rapidly growing population.

Schlegel, M, Trutnevyte, E and Scholz, R W (2012) Patterns of residential heat demand in rural Switzerland. Building Research & Information, 40(02), 140-53.

Sharafi, A, Amalnick, M S and Taleizadeh, A A (2022) Optimal readjustment of contract variables and the financial outcome of PPP projects in the operation period. Construction Management and Economics, 40(02), 87–103.

Soliman-Junior, J, Tzortzopoulos, P and Kagioglou, M (2022) Designers’ perspective on the use of automation to support regulatory compliance in healthcare building projects. Construction Management and Economics, 40(02), 123–41.

Tennant, S and Fernie, S (2012) The commercial currency of construction framework agreements. Building Research & Information, 40(02), 209-20.