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Azman, M A, Hon, C K H, Skitmore, M, Lee, B L and Xia, B (2019) A Meta-frontier method of decomposing long-term construction productivity components and technological gaps at the firm level: evidence from Malaysia. Construction Management and Economics, 37(02), 72–88.
Belabed, Y, Kerboua, B and Tarfaoui, M (2019) New design for reducing interfacial stresses of reinforced structures with FRP plates. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 37(02), 196–207.
Essah, E A, Sanders, C H, Baker, P and Kalagasidis, A S (2009) Condensation and moisture transport in cold roofs: effects of roof underlay. Building Research & Information, 37(02), 117–28.
Gluch, P and Räisänen, C (2009) Interactional perspective on environmental communication in construction projects. Building Research & Information, 37(02), 164–75.
Hamzeh, F R, Faek, F and AlHussein, H (2019) Understanding improvisation in construction through antecedents, behaviours and consequences. Construction Management and Economics, 37(02), 61–71.
Hanna, A S, Iskandar, K A and Lotfallah, W (2019) Benchmarking project performance: a guideline for assessing vulnerability of mechanical and electrical projects to productivity loss . Construction Management and Economics, 37(02), 101–11.
Hilal, M, Maqsood, T and Abdekhodaee, A (2019) A scientometric analysis of BIM studies in facilities management. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 37(02), 122–39.
Kaminsky, J (2019) The global influence of national cultural values on construction permitting. Construction Management and Economics, 37(02), 89–100.
Kenley, R (2019) CME Forum: a response to “Construction flow index: a metric of production flow quality in construction”. Construction Management and Economics, 37(02), 112–9.
Lukito, J A, Susilawati, C and Goonetilleke, A (2019) Climate change adaptation in the management of public buildings: an Indonesian context. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 37(02), 140–62.
Mahmoud, A S, Sanni-Anibire, M O, Hassanain, M A and Ahmed, W (2019) Key performance indicators for the evaluation of academic and research laboratory facilities. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 37(02), 208–30.
Newsham, G, Brand, J, Donnelly, C, Veitch, J, Aries, M and Charles, K (2009) Linking indoor environment conditions to job satisfaction: a field study. Building Research & Information, 37(02), 129–47.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: environmental satisfaction; job satisfaction; lighting; occupant perception; offices; organizational productivity; view; well-being
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613210802710298
- Abstract:
Physical and questionnaire data were collected from 95 workstations at an open-plan office building in Michigan, US. The physical measurements encompassed thermal, lighting, and acoustic variables, furniture dimensions, and an assessment of potential exterior view. Occupants answered a detailed questionnaire concerning their environmental and job satisfaction, and aspects of well-being. These data were used to test, via mediated regression, a model linking the physical environment, through environmental satisfaction, to job satisfaction and other related measures. In particular, a significant link was demonstrated between overall environmental satisfaction and job satisfaction, mediated by satisfaction with management and with compensation. Analysis of physical data was limited to the lighting domain. Results confirmed the important role of window access at the desk in satisfaction with lighting, particularly through its effect on satisfaction with outside view.
Olbina, S and Beliveau, Y (2009) Developing a transparent shading device as a daylighting system. Building Research & Information, 37(02), 148–63.
Watts, G, Fernie, S and Dainty, A (2019) Paradox and legitimacy in construction: how CSR reports restrict CSR practice. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 37(02), 231–46.
Zalejska Jonsson, A and Hungria Gunnelin, R (2019) Defects in newly constructed residential buildings: owners’ perspective. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 37(02), 163–85.
Zolkafli, U K, Zakaria, N, Mohammad Mazlan, A and Ali, A S (2019) Maintenance work for heritage buildings in Malaysia: owners’ perspectives. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 37(02), 186–95.