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Briscoe, G (2006) How useful and reliable are construction statistics?. Building Research & Information, 34(03), 220–9.
Clarke, L (2006) Valuing labour. Building Research & Information, 34(03), 246–56.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Employee conditions; employment structure; human capital; labour; organizational culture; skills and training; social context; vocational qualifications; UK
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: http://journalsonline.tandf.co.uk/link.asp?id=w47712733383v38m
- Abstract:
The UK construction labour process rests on casual self-employment, output-based pay, rigid trade divisions, low levels of training, and a sharp divide between operative and professional/technical skills. Skill shortages beset the industry and their solution focuses not on employment regulation and a comprehensive industry-wide training scheme, but on importing the necessary skilled labour. It is demonstrated how qualitatively differently construction labour is valued in the UK compared with other leading European countries. These rely on higher skill levels, based on knowledge gained through the training process and on a more stable and collectively negotiated structure of training provision and employment. In the UK, in contrast, labour is not valued according to the knowledge it incorporates but according to an individual's ability to fulfil the task in hand. Training is geared to meeting individual employers' immediate needs; qualifications are not a prerequisite for entry; and labour is rewarded for its product not for its potential. The key features of the UK system that give rise to concern are identified. The ways the UK system needs to change are outlined in order to accommodate sustainable development of the construction process.
Crawford, P and Vogl, B (2006) Measuring productivity in the construction industry. Building Research & Information, 34(03), 208–19.
Ekeskär, A, Rudberg, M, Institutionen för teknik och, n, Linköpings, u, Kommunikations- och, t and Tekniska, f (2016) Third-party logistics in construction: The case of a large hospital project. Construction Management and Economics, 34(03), 174-91.
Franz, B W and Leicht, R M (2016) An alternative classification of project delivery methods used in the United States building construction industry. Construction Management and Economics, 34(03), 160-73.
Hu, X and Liu, C (2016) Profitability performance assessment in the Australian construction industry: A global relational two-stage DEA method. Construction Management and Economics, 34(03), 147-59.
Ive, G (2006) Re-examining the costs and value ratios of owning and occupying buildings. Building Research & Information, 34(03), 230-45.
Khan, K I A, Flanagan, R and Lu, S-L (2016) Managing information complexity using system dynamics on construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 34(03), 192-204.
Kohler, N (2006) A European perspective on the Pearce report: policy and research. Building Research & Information, 34(03), 287–94.
Macmillan, S (2006) Added value of good design. Building Research & Information, 34(03), 257–71.
Pearce, D (2006) Is the construction sector sustainable?: definitions and reflections. Building Research & Information, 34(03), 201–7.
Tombesi, P (2006) Good thinking and poor value: on the socialization of knowledge in construction. Building Research & Information, 34(03), 272–86.
Turner, R K (2006) Sustainability auditing and assessment challenges. Building Research & Information, 34(03), 197–200.